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Tibetan Bowl School & Distance Learning Program for Certification. (Scroll to bottom for distance learning information)


Individual Sections: ( Please refer to the Certification page to view requirements for certification)

Ancient Sounds for a New Age book $22.95. ( Order via Amazon)This is a pre-requisite for the on-site Intro workshop and Distance Certification Program. It includes, Return to Om Mp3 and Downloadable Instructional Video . Students need to study the information pgs 1-82 and practice the elements to be prepared for the workshop. Just reading the material is not enough. David and I will help you select a minimum of instruments so you can work through the course.


To ensure excellent quality training we only accept a small number of students each year to learn in small groups. The on site Intro Workshop introduces students to the depth of the modality and allows them to practice with multiple instruments the principals in the home study course. Individual feedback is provided in this hands on, interactive workshop. The workshop also creates a common language and experience for all so that students can then go onto Advanced classes via video, handouts, personal mentoirng sessions and Masterclasses.


After the Intro Workshop students can progress to the online Certification or Non-Certification program taught by Diane Mandle & Richard Rudis, (discriptions below) and/or attend and on-site master class ( below) and free teleclass.


Here's how it works: SAVE THE DATE

INTRO WORKSHOP: $500 Next Intro Is November 15-17 in Portland, OR. This special workshop introduces new instructor, David Corter who will work with DIane and then he will conduct all the following Intro Workshops. Exact location and more information is coming.

On-site Intro workshops in Portland, OR (always a Fri-Sunday) build on the material in the book. (DIstance version is possible for those who cannot attend).Focus on conducting private sound healing session., Introductory Tibetan bowl workshop. In this intensive, you will learn the foundational principles of healing with sacred sound instruments based in Tibetan buddhist culture. This hands-on workshop will allow you to continue to the advanced segments of the program. PLEASE READ CANCELLATION POLICY FOR SCHOOL.

Pricing for on-site Intro level workshops includes:

-18 hours of training with Handouts

-plenty of mentored practice time

- Video download of workshop

- Snacks

- Personal phone mentoring session after required work work is completed to discuss your logs with Diane and David.

- Group Conference calls to answer questions etc about your practice sessions.




How to Conduct Small Goup Meditations- & Space Clearing With Sound . This is a 5 part series Thursday March 16, 23,30April 6 & April 20: $250

Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing Meditation Groups
If you are interested in leading small group meditations this workshop will provide
you with the essential skills using what you have already learned in the Intro
Workshop. This day -long workshop is open to all students who have completed
Diane Mandle’s Introduction to Tibetan Bowls workshop (attended workshop and
completed at least 50% of practice session requirements).
Workshop Content:

Introduction to the instruments symbolism, tasks and techniques to play them.
Anatomy of a Group Meditation (what to do from start to finish)
This includes:
Bowl & Mallet selection
Other instruments to use
Triads and accent bowl
Best group breath work
Stories and Guided Meditations to enhance session


Single Workshops

Clear Space with Sound Workshop-Learn how to use the Tibetan instruments and other simple tools to clear space and create your own energetic imprint that supports your well being in that space. Participants will recive my Space Clearing ebook. $55


The Dharma of Sound Healing with Tibetan Sacred Sound Instruments OCT 28, 5-6:30 pm. Deepening your understanding of the modality. This live on line class is based on the structure and principals of sound healing and the honoring of the culture this modality comes from It addresses healing as predicated on a spiritual awakening and will greatly enhance your understanding of how you do what you do. .Short sound meditation included. $20


Advanced Protocols for advanced students only:Nov. 4th 5-6:30pm PST Demonstrations and handouts provided. New Protocols; Fibonacci and Advanced Spiral Pattern. $25



TELECLASSES: are free classes that keep you in touch with your peers, Diane and David. They are for you to pose questions, share information about your practice sessions and receive mentoring and feedback. Next TeleclassThursday Dec 5 at 5pm PST Email Diane for the call in codes.


MASTER CLASSES- are optional and created for all level students from Intro and beyond. These classes support your work as you progress through the different levels. We review material you choose, offer mentoring and present something new for you to deepen in your practice:


All Level Master Class TBA (Fri -Sun 10am-5pm)

 - Gong Meditation with David and/or Diáne 

- All Level Practicum  - Refresh your understanding and practice of what you have learned in past workshops ( hands-on or distance).

- Fibronacci Sequence layout

- Power Language work in session

 .............And more!! 

 Don’t Delay. Space is limited. $450



PHONE & SKYPE MENTORING SESSIONS: $50 per 30 minutes. ( Certification students get 3 as part of the tuition. Non-Certification students may purchase sessions as needed).


CANCELATION POLICY : For all On-Site workshops there is a non-refundable registration fee of $75 for Intro classes and $100 for Master Classes. After that your tuition will be reimbursed as per below wtih a doctors note: minus the registration fee.

More than eight weeks:- full refund

From eight weeks to 6 weeks- half refund

Less than 6 weeks refund made only if your slot can be filled.



After purchasing th Ancient Sounds for a New Age Pre-requesite course above:


$350 per Workshop Segment

Intro Segment

Advanced 1 Segment

Advanced 2 Segment

Advanced 3 Segment



Tibetan Bowl School
Encinitas, CA 92024